
The San Francisco Wireless Emergency Mesh (SFWEM) is a volunteer-led project to install resilient high-speed wireless connectivity throughout San Francisco for use during disasters and emergencies. You can learn more by visiting sfwem.net

The SFWEM Documentation Hub serves as a repository for SFWEM-specific eratta, such as hub site details, reccomended configurations, and so on.

ARDEN Documentation

SFWEM uses the AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network) firmware to form the mesh. The AREDN project has extensive documentation and community support resources:

  • AREDN Documentation - Primary documentation source for AREDN, the firmware SFWEM runs on.
  • AREDN Knowlegebase - Historic AREDN documentation. While much of this is dated, some of the info contained here is still useful
  • AREDN Forums and Facebook Group - Community Support for AREDN Firmware and Mesh Networking in general

OpenWRT Documentation

AREDN is itself based on the OpenWRT firmware, a Linux distribution targeted at embedded networking devices.


The SFWEM Documentation Hub is hosted on Read The Docs, with a local mirror stored on the mesh itself incase internet access is disrupted by an emergency. To contribute, fork the docs repo on GitHub, make your edits, then create a pull request to merge them back in.

Testing / Building

To build a local copy of the SFWEM Documenation Hub:

  1. Clone the GitHub Repo to your computer
  2. Install MKDocs, which is used to buld the documentation itself.
  3. Run mkdocs serve to run a live server that reflects your changes on the fly. To build a static copy, run mkdocs build.